October 4 Update
Audition Sign Up Link
CLICK HERE to sign up for your audition time slot. The link is available through noon on October 12. For each time slot, there are two spots for Sopranos, two for Altos, and two for Lower Voices. Select any open spot for your chosen voice part.
Audition Structure
Auditions will be held in the Sanctuary at Asbury United Methodist Church. 30-minute audition time slots will be offered on the afternoons of October 12 and 13; choose a time slot that works best for your schedule.
Students will audition in mixed-voice groups, performing assigned excerpts from our repertoire (see list below). While you do not need to memorize the audition excerpt, you must know the music extremely well and be able to sing your part confidently against other parts (use the sheet music your received and the recordings provided in THE HUB to prepare). Auditions will be evaluated on accuracy and preparedness.
Arrive 10 minutes early to your audition time slot to sign in and submit your forms.
Stay 15 minutes after your audition time slot if you need to be fitted for a performance uniform. All new singers need to be fitted. Returning singers, TRY ON YOUR UNIFORM before coming to your audition; if all or part of it will not fit you by the spring, stay for the fitting to select new sizes/replacements.
$25 tuition deposit is due at your audition. Once accepted in JHC, the rest of your tuition plus your outfit fee is due by no later than November 17 (sooner is better).
Audition Excerpts
“Music of Life” — measures 1-20 (timestamps 0:00-1:44 on the recording)
“Nine Hundred Miles” — measures 18-35 (timestamps 1:01-2:01 on the recording)
“Sing We and Chant It” — measures 1-8 (timestamps 0:00-0:20 on the recording)
“Más Que Nada” — measures 76(beat2)-105 (timestamps 1:59-2:49 on the recording) — note: Pronunciation errors are okay on this song in the audition. Just do your best. Once rehearsals begin, we will fix the pronunciations.
Forms to Bring
Medical Information Form
Conflict Form
Code of Conduct Form
Tuition and Formal Outfit Order Form
50% off Tuition
If you recruit a friend to audition for JHC and that friend is selected to sing with us, you and your friend will receive 50% off tuition.
Late Registration
Late Registration is still open! Singers interested in JHC who have not yet registered should email ExecutiveDirector@theYCHC.org for information on how to register, receive materials, and schedule a late audition.
Remind Texts
Parents and students should sign up for our JHC “class” on Remind to receive a text notification each time a new JHC newsletter is posted to the website. Instructions for how to sign up are on the Rehearsal Tracks part of the website (use the password you received with your music to access the Rehearsal Tracks page).
Parent Assistance Needed - Logistics Coordinators
We need 1-2 parents to help at JHC rehearsals and performances. This would entail monitoring student drop-off and pick-up, tracking attendance, helping with set-up and clean-up, and being an extra adult presence in case of emergency. There is a STIPEND for this position. If interested, email ExecutiveDirector@theYCHC.org.
Upcoming Dates
October 12 & 13 — Auditions & Fittings
October 20 — Rehearsal
November 3 — Rehearsal
November 17 — Rehearsal, Pizza Party, & PERFORMANCE as guests on SHC’s concert
Rachel Morgan Im
Junior Honors Choir Conductor
York County Honors Choirs