November 19 Update



Everyone, you did an OUTSTANDING job when we performed as guests SHC’s concert on Nov. 17. You should be very PROUD of what we have achieved so far this year!

I am looking forward to seeing you all again when we resume rehearsals in January. In the meantime, I hope your holiday season is filled with much joy and rest.

WHAT TO PRACTICE — due January 12th

There are EIGHT FULL WEEKS between the rehearsal we had on November 17th and our next rehearsal on January 12th. That is plenty of time to finish learning ALL of our songs. It will be easy to do this if you listen to the recordings FREQUENTLY during the eight weeks. You don’t need to have everything memorized by January 12th, but you should be able to sing your voice part very confidently through every song, even if no one else is singing with you. There will be a Part Check on January 12th to see if you have learned the music well.

  • “I Sing Because I’m Happy” (entire recording)

    • NEW: measures 20-38

    • Review: measures 1-19 & 39-end

  • “JAM!” (entire recording)

    • Video Guide: Practice videos for the body percussion are in the drive. Based on how everyone was doing at our last rehearsal, I can tell that every single one of you is skilled enough to master these movements. Just work on it a little bit each week. Believe in yourself!

    • NEW: measures 31-end

    • Review: measures 1-30

  • “Más Que Nada” (entire recording)

    • Pronunciation Guide: Helena’s pronunciation guide for measures 60-66 has been uploaded to the drive. Practice the pronunciations FIRST at this slower speed, and then work on singing the text with the recording. DO NOT WAIT until the last minute to work on this text. You have eight full weeks to master these seven tricky measures.

    • NEW: measures 1-28

    • Review: measures 29-105

  • “Music of Life” (entire recording)

    • Review: whole song, including dynamics and places where there should be no group breath

    • Memorize: Already memorized. Just review it occasionally so you don’t forget it.

  • “Nine Hundred Miles” (entire recording)

    • NEW: measures 36-end

    • Review: measures 1-35

  • “Sing We and Chant It” (entire recording)

    • NEW: measures 32-end

    • Review: measures 1-31

  • “Why We Sing” (entire recording)

    • Review: measures 74-end

    • Memorize: Already memorized. Just review it occasionally so you don’t forget it.

Choir T-shirts

Singers received their choir t-shirts on November 17th. Wear your t-shirt to all future rehearsals. (If you were absent on Nov 17, you will receive your shirt on Jan 12.)

Hem Measurements on January 12th!!!

Everyone will try on their uniform on January 12th so our seamstress can determine what hemming may be needed. BRING YOUR CONCERT SHOES with you so your hem can be measured correctly. Also, BRING YOUR UNIFORM (if you already have one that fits). If you ordered a new uniform for this year, we will have it ready for you to try on at this rehearsal.

Concert Shoes = closed-toe black dress shoes (if they have a heel, it should be low)

Sign up for REMIND

If you are not yet signed up to receive JHC reminders via text message, please consider doing so ASAP. Reminders are sent infrequently. They let you know when new Updates are posted, and they are also a key way we will notify you if there are any weather-related delays or cancellations for rehearsals during the winter months. Instructions for how to sign up for Remind are in the password-protected REHEARSAL TRACKS part of the website.

Upcoming Dates

  • January 12 — Rehearsal, Part Check, & Uniform Hemming with SEAMSTRESS (Bring your concert shoes!!!)

  • January 26 — Rehearsal

  • February 9 — Rehearsal

  • February 23 — Rehearsal

  • March 16 — Rehearsal with Guest Instrumentalists

  • April 6 — Rehearsal and CONCERT with Elementary Choir

  • May 10 — Rehearsal and CONCERT with Senior Honors Choir

  • May 31 — Rehearsal

  • June 1 — FINALE CONCERT with all YCHC choirs

Rachel Morgan Im
Junior Honors Choir Conductor
York County Honors Choirs

The only thing better than singing is MORE singing. (Ella Fitzgerald)


January 2 Update


November 5 Update